
Managing train noise in urban environments

Managing train noise in urban environments

The introduction of railway stations into the urban landscape has led to greater user mobility, particularly between home and work. However, their location has also brought them closer to residential areas, raising the issue of noise management with trains passing...

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Acoustics in New Secondary Schools in Quebec

Acoustics in New Secondary Schools in Quebec

For several years now, the governments of Canada and Quebec have been planning infrastructure projects to improve many of Quebec's education facilities. A substantial budget has been provided to create healthy, stimulating living and study spaces that meet the needs...

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Mining projects: Noise and vibration management with A7hz

Mining projects: Noise and vibration management with A7hz

If you operate a quarry or sandpit, or live near one, this article explains how A7hz can help you manage noise and vibration. Sources of noise in quarries. Operating a quarry or sandpit undeniably implies the use of practices that cause noise and may exceed regulatory...

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Winners of Great Award for Architectural Excellence 2023

Winners of Great Award for Architectural Excellence 2023

What a reward! We worked on 4 of the 10 winning projects of the Award of Architecture Excellence of the Ordre des Architectes du Québec, including the two Great Award of Architecture Excellence ! The Ordre des Architectes du Québec professional association has...

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How to make a good clapper

How to make a good clapper

A few years ago at A7hz, we tested several clapboard designs for simple reverberation measurements: here are our findings! A clapper is made of two pieces of wood with flat surfaces and hinges, emitting a loud and short noise when closed. For acoustics enthusiasts,...

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World Health Day 2023 – The major issue of Noise

World Health Day 2023 – The major issue of Noise

Did you know that living in a quiet environment increases our life expectancy? This Friday, April 7, 2023, we will celebrate World Health Day and in particular hearing health! According to a study published by the WHO, environmental noise impacts our health, with such...

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A7hz at the 15th edition of Americana

A7hz at the 15th edition of Americana

📢 Atelier 7hz - Acoustique & Vibrations will be exhibiting at the 15th edition of Americana - one of the largest environmental events in North America - organized by Réseau Environnement! Visit us at booth 227 in the event's exhibit hall to chat. ✨ The premier...

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International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness

Today we celebrate the International Day of Happiness! The definition of happiness is different for everyone but we take advantage of this day to focus on the places we frequent on a daily basis. We believe that feeling good in the place we live, or work in, is a...

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Acoustics and BIM

Acoustics and BIM

BimWorld 2023 This year's edition of BIMWorld 2023 will take place on April 5 and 6 in Paris, France, and will be an opportunity for construction and real estate professionals to discuss all the challenges raised by the industry's constant evolution. What is BIM This...

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Ground vibrations and Impact hammer measurements

Ground vibrations and Impact hammer measurements

Ground-borne vibrations Vibration impact studies are frequently carried out near railway projects as they are part of the urban and city landscape. Their location and their daily use generate vibrations which can be perceived by the locals and cause significant noise...

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Municipal Water Pipes

Municipal Water Pipes

Like public pipeline repairs, many types of works can be a source of vibrations and therefore require special attention in order to preserve the integrity of structures and the safety of local residents.Indeed, vibration and sound studies must be carried out prior to...

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Acoustics and History – Pyramid of Kukulcán

Acoustics and History – Pyramid of Kukulcán

When acoustics mingle with history! In Mexico, it is possible to hear a sound similar to the cry of the Quetzal - a sacred bird of the Mayas - if you clap your hands at the foot of the pyramid of Kukulcán. This amusing fact is however not due to chance, since...

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Residential projects – A7hz acoustics expertise

Residential projects – A7hz acoustics expertise

For several years in Canada, new residential projects must integrate in their construction criteria of quality and requirement always higher in order to meet the needs of the residents and must thus take into account the regulatory constraints in acoustics. A7hz and...

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Acoustics for Schools

Acoustics for Schools

The quality of Quebec educational system is a hot topic today after the announcement of Minister Bernard Drainville's education plan, right after the International Education Day at the end of January. We need to consider the quality of our schools, and in particular...

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Update to our ClapReverb app

Update to our ClapReverb app

Update to our ClapReverb app on the App Store! Some of you have reported stability issues on recent phones (iOS 16.0 and later).This update is lightweight and compatible with all versions of iOS! If you are unfamiliar with ClapReverb, this is an app for anyone to make...

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