

Indoor Sound Comfort

Controlling noise and vibration is a major issue for the quality of a construction. Inhabitants are increasingly in demand for optimal sound and vibration comfort. We study different aspects of room acoustics in buildings, taking into account the levels of performance required by the customer. In addition to the outdoor/indoor insulation performance, we study reverberation in large spaces (offices, lobby, etc.). The calculation of mechanical equipment noise is one of our specialties.

Floor/Ceiling and Partition Insulation

Curtain wall ans facade insulation

HVAC and Generator Noise and Vibration

Room Acoustic and Reverberation

Inspection et Construction Works Monitoring

Outdoor Regulation Compliance

Regulations are increasingly strict and detailed regarding environmental noise and vibration thresholds. We size and optimize outdoor mitigation solutions to conform equipment, industrial sites as well as residential areas for building permits.

Noise Barriers, Silencers, Louvers,

Transportation Noise, Residential Areas

Construction Work Noise and Vibration

Railway Vibration Mapping


Urban Zoning

We offer our services to institutions and real estate developers to explore with them opportunities for urban zoning taking into account environmental noise and vibration. Helped by advanced professional and self-developed environmental noise and vibration calculation software, we rely on our extensive experience in these fields.

Urban Planning

Acoustic Mapping

Vibration Mapping

Noise and Vibration Regulation Definition

Cultural Facilities

In cultural facilities, it is essential to create extremely quiet areas in order to get a high listening comfort. This is achieved thanks to noise control of HVAC equipment, vibration separation of areas but also by volumes and interior materials optimization. The optimization of sound and PA systems is also one of our strengths.

Auditoriums, Theater and Concert Halls 

PA and Sound Systems

Sound Installations


Air quality and weather conditions

We carry out quantity of particles assessments (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) in the short, medium or long term. Our measurement systems count the number of particles by laser technology. Comparing long-term PM measurements with meteorological conditions (measured or provided) allows studies of the impact of an infrastructure on air quality.

Air quality compliance and existing conditions

Monitoring of dust generated by a construction site

Project impact on air quality depending on weather conditions


Road Countings

Our road counting equipment enables optimal assessments and separation of different types of vehicles. The systems can stay several weeks on site or just a few hours. A fast installation is carried out by our specialists.

Road countings for traffic studies 

 Road Counting for Engineering Study Calibration

Trucks percentages assessments

Our expertise is also detailed in the paper published by Canadian Acoustic Association (CAA)
Read the Article