If you operate a quarry or sandpit, or live near one, this article explains how A7hz can help you manage noise and vibration.
Sources of noise in quarries.
Operating a quarry or sandpit undeniably implies the use of practices that cause noise and may exceed regulatory thresholds. These include rock blasting, and the use of various types of crusher and drill. Primary crushers are used to process the largest rocks, which, once reduced in size, are then conveyed to a second crusher, which cuts the stones according to selected templates.
Between these two stages, a sieve is used for sorting to prevent large stones from damaging the second crusher. The deposition of rocks on the sieve can also cause noise levels to exceed the limits.
With the expansion of urban areas, it is not uncommon for a site to be set up close to homes or public establishments, so a regulatory framework is in place to control maximum noise levels.
New restrictions come into force.
As of 2019, the regulation on quarries and sandpits (RCS) has introduced new thresholds to be respected. To begin with, ambient noise levels generated by quarry operations must not exceed 45dBA during the day (between 7am and 7pm) and 40dBA at night (between 7pm and 7am). These measurements must be carried out by a professional who is accustomed to doing so reliably and accurately. Our acoustic engineers are trained and experienced in this type of work.
When you call on our services, you can also count on our expertise to carry out a noise climate survey every 3 years, as required by the RCS to check that quarry and sandpit operators are complying with current legislation.
From a vibratory point of view, quarry and sandpit operations are also governed by the RCS. First and foremost, blasting generates excess air pressure. These must not exceed an impulse noise of 126 dBZ measured at the nearest dwelling or public building, or exceed twice 130 dBZ and 20% of the total number of blasts per year. In addition, the maximum velocity of shock waves generated is reduced from 40mm/s to 10mm/s under the new regulations.
Solutions from A7hz.
Before setting up a quarry, the topography of the site must be carefully considered, and our acoustic engineers can provide their expertise to ensure the best possible installation. Relief can provide a natural solution, but when this is insufficient or unsuitable, noise reduction solutions such as silencers are considered. It is possible to reduce noise volume by 10 dB by installing them on drills, for example.
We have extensive experience in noise and vibration management for quarry projects such as Sainte Adèle. We use the latest noise measurement and simulation technologies to provide our customers with the best possible solutions.